Realm of Queer.

I wait, yet what for?
For a complete disappear?
For a promised day?

To devour me more...
Into the realm of queer...
Perhaps I should stay

Or maybe try the realm's door
Why should I fear?
I am ruined anyway...

Perhaps it's time to explore
There must be a reason I am here
Maybe the day is today...

Maybe I am sick of this crowded town
So many moving things, so many people
Hateful gargoyles staring at me down
Built naturally just to enfeeble

Every remaining true sense
Every pool I made by tears
My old passion my true essence
Falling surge of massive fears

Yelling at me... wait no more
Behind your shadow you can't hide
Go in the door of folklore
A twinkle wasp shall be your guide

To the land of beautiful lenience
Rhymed by the murmur of a drone
With the magical melody of silence
I cleave the mist wondering alone

The realm of spectral light
Of flying mushrooms around
Tranquil gist of true bright
Wihin the land of floating ground

I stand on a huge oyster shell
With emerald pearl in the middle
Surrounded by trees with ginger smell
I stand alone enjoying the riddle

The vision of unlimited dream
Of pure natural atmosphere
Surrounded by geyser's warm steam
I venture exploring the realm of queer

A place I can be alone by my own
Ascending to the peak of my mind
No one to argue with, no ringing phone
Hidden in a place you can never find

I got rid of the compass and my map
Just swimming in my dreams non-stop
Enjoying the fantasy of my longest nap
Let me dream, let me never wake up.

By: Vincent Valentine, 26/3/2009, 2:00am.