How to make a serial killer?
I heard that each and every thing parents do or say, affects children under age of 10 years old, since there personality is still shaping up; it needs ingredients and sculptors to shape and sculpt it.
If that’s child father/mother lied, will the child be a liar, or will the child be a talented actor?
If the child father/mother killed a cockroach, will the child be an exterminator or a insect scientist – I don’t know the scientific name for them -, but hey they are both good, I mean exterminators kill un-wanted insects in our homes, and scientists study them, to find cures for diseases or even a new disease ;).
If the child saw his parents killing a being, weather if its human, or an animal, an unwanted animal, will he be a serial killer? If the parents lied well he pathological liar? Of the parents have sex loudly – and it's there right to do so -, will the child be a sex fanatic or a sexual therapist?
Will the child be a queer if his dad was a queer hater, will the child be a fireman if his dad burned his mom, or will he be a surgeon if his mom sliced his dad's sex organs?
My parents affected me a lot, in a way that I hate/love them for what they did.
I don’t like to give more details, but, how should we react next to children?
We need not all, but few guide lines, enough to make sure, they wont turn into serial killers, or worst!