What Would People Say?

you know, i rarely share family events with anyone, but this time i would like to share something with you guys, its not a family matter Per say! but still, i thought it was funny and ironic!as you know i have a saying... "Fuck People", i never really cared what people say, do, put their nose in and judge...i never really cared about anything they said about me, because i know myslef, i'm alive and god knows i'mma kick and scream 'till i have no soul left if anyone tries to tell me how to live and how to lead my life... - don't get me wrong though CREATIVE critisism is welcomed... - personally, it's my fucking life and heck!!! you have yours can't i have mine?

so, not to go further away from the subject, i was invited to go to lebanon the other day by a very... VERY close friend of mine, with an all expence paid offer i couldn't really say no... could i?i mean liban! citi la-mour! well... the arabic city la frikin mour!

weither you're in love or not, it's simply tempting to go there, eat fatoush and man'oosheee, smoke argeeelii, enjoy the accent and the beautiful sweet attractive way of life they lead, so i packed my bags, and got ready to leave!of course, being the tre-gentile man that i am, politly i wanted to inform my parents that i am going, you know just because i am 19 that doesnt mean i can pack my LV's and leave, i live under "someone else's" roof, and that "Someone else" has to be inform just incase the plan goes up in flames and it falls down with me screaming my lungs out then crashing on the ground... that someone else simply has to know because i might survive that crash and god knows my diet is strict, i mean do you know how many calories a human ass is? i mean how many hours of working out do i need to transform that into muscle?

you get the drift right?

any way, i called that someone else, and i told them "daddy dearest... i would like to go to lebanon, i was invited, i have no classes now, and i begin two weeks from today.."i expected the happy tone, you know? your son - i feel so werid stating that! - is loved enough to be invited somewhere across the boarders, regardless of what i though, i got a plain cold no, with the weirdest rejection line..."what would people say?"

Escozza moi? - i know the spelling is fucked up but thats what was going in my mind -what would people say? you are telling me no because what would people say?

i asked him... "WHAT... would people say?"

he said " he is studying abroad, and he travels to have fun", so what!!

i mean seriously, when you're frikin' fuckin' 19 you oughtta have fun!if you didn't ... time will pass and you will find yourself 91 with 8 cats in love with a woman who turns out to be a shemale that has size E tits and eats everything in a pornographic way!
now, i am gonna play this well... i will guilt the parent, and i know somehow it doesnt have to do with what i'm gonna ask still... i had to ask... generally i mean..does anyone really, REALLY REALLY beleive in "fuck people"?
is there anyone who... REALLY REALLY doesnt care?