A Big Small Town

you know what i hate?
o.k, wait that was a very difficult question concidering my racist background... J/K!
i hate it when a certain type of news, lets say a deeply embaressing one... like ur pants falling off somewhere in a public place, or you farting on a date, or even you having himroids spreads so fast, even through out the trouble you go through to hide it!
kuwait is a small country, and since the world is a.. relativly small village... kuwait is a teeny tiny condo in that village!
even though nothing like the himroids or the farting story happened to me - actually much worse happened that its a surprise that i can go out of the house! - but i just hate it when you want something off the radar, but others do their best to show it, it is just sooo.... UNSEEMLY!
people just bekcer and chitter chatter in other people's buisness, and when you do it and talk about their effin business, OH DEAR LORD OF SKANKS AND WHORES! are u a frickin' case of inssensitivity and cruelness!
you see i don't get it, people chew people like gum!
they keep on chewing them until their flavour fades away, they through it in the trash can and they look around for a new flavour!
i wonder why is it our favourite hobby? i do it too by the way, i talk in people's buisness, i'm not perfect! - even though i always act like it :Pp~ or even fake it -
everything about every one is known by anyone who's anyone in kuwait...
i just wish if there is a button you push...
and all the news regarding you gets erased, just like you erase cache files or cookies!
hmmm, i think i better start with myself right?
o.k then here you go, i promise i will keep my nose out of people's shit... and lets see what happenes... deal?