the other day i was walking down the street to finish some "to do/ To get" things my mom hurrassed me about, so in the way the Co-Op "the jam3iya" , i found this man, this egyptian man selling fish !, golden fish, u know it makes you wonder, are u really able to do that kind of job ? i mean what if no one buys from u ? , what if the state forbeds it - isn't it already forbiden ? - and what if the fish dies ?.
i realized that i could never be a fish man !
i wish to be one yes, i mean to live not caring about money only caring about the day !
and after i finished the list he was gone !
all the little fishies ! gone !
then after three days, i felt the urge to get me a smoothie ! a cheap smoothie u know the ones are in the jam3iya the made in kuwait kinda smoothie, i get that some times - once i wanted tahina " u know the thing they but on dates i guess its called harda in my society " - so i walk there and guess what !, no fishie guy, i walk there - the co-op i mean - and there's a new booth !, a booth for cheese, all sorta cheeses - is that the real plural ? - i wanted cheder cheese !
and the guy said that ppl only ask for 2 tipe of cheeses, haloom - some salty sick goat cheese -, and swiss !
how could that be true i mean swiss cheese and haloom dont go togther ?!
they just dont !
but i wanted cheder i said, and he said we dont have a cheder brand !
what if life is cheder less for me, i mean like for ever, no cheder cheese !
u kno what i mean in cheder u kno, like no opportonity or no good things or no satisfaction !
and hey is cheder is my satisfaction ?
is it ur satisfaction ?!
jesus moses allah god mo7ammad virgin marry botha !!!!!
ya allah isnt that just sad ?
no cheder !
no fishies ?